You asked

Please could you provide the most recent data for England relating to the descriptions listed below:

  • Average household size.
  • Single person household.
  • Households with dependent children.
  • Child living with both married parents.
  • Child living with both co-habiting parents.
  • Child living with both co-habiting parents.
  • Child living with single parents.
  • Proportion of part-time employment with youngest 11 or under - men.
  • Proportion of part-time employment with youngest child 11 or under – women.
  • Proportion of dependent children living in lone parent households.
  • Proportion of dependent children living in lone parent household headed by father.
  • Proportion of dependent children living in lone parent household headed by mother.

We said

Thank you for your request.

The information you have requested can be commissioned from customer services teams within ONS. These teams provide an ad hoc analysis service, including - of relevance in this instance - tabulations of Labour Force (LFS) and Annual Population Survey (APS) data, both of which contain variables relating to household structure and employment. This service is subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs, where appropriate. Details of the variables included in these datasets can be viewed in the LFS User Guides.

If you would like to enquire about our service then please contact, which is the area of ONS that produces the publication Families and Households in the UK.

Because this information is available through another route, we consider that s.21 of the Freedom of Information Act applies to this request and the information does not have to be supplied under the Freedom of Information Act. s.21(1) is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest needs to be applied.

If you are able to do your own cross-tabulations, you could purchase an anonymised LFS or APS dataset from the UK Data Service. Details on costs and how to download the data can be found on their website:

Advice for commercial users
