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The ITIS survey collects quarterly and annual data from UK businesses to provide statistics on both the UK’s services imports and exports. The survey collects information covering 52 different services and looks at trade between the UK and over 200 countries worldwide.

ITIS data is published in detail in the annual ITIS publication. Interactive visualisations showing ITIS within Europe and ITIS by industry have been developed to complement the annual publication.

We use the data to compile the trade in services account for the UK’s balance of payments.

Results from the annual ITIS survey are used to compile both the balance of payments account and estimates of gross domestic product. The results from the ITIS survey made up approximately 58% of service exports and 45% of service imports of the trade in service account for 2016.

The ITIS questionnaire (262.3 Kb Pdf) was revised in 2012 as a result of changes in the international regulations governing ITIS reporting, as specified by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Eurostat. The revised questionnaire was issued to all quarterly respondents in 2013.

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