You asked

Please provide:

  • Statistics on the number of graduates in the past 10 years in employment.
  • From these statistics what is the number of graduates in the past 10 years from top universities? If you can please provide the list of top universities graduates by list of universities and no. of graduates in employment.

As what constitutes top university, please provide stats based on top 50 university based on graduates in employment over the past 10 years by year, listing the university by each year.

Any further information and or statistics you can provide on graduates from top universities in employment over the past 10 years would be highly appreciated.

We said

Thank you for your query regarding graduates and the labour market.

Estimates of the number of people in employment by highest level of educational attainment are available from the Annual Population Survey (APS), a survey of people resident in households in the UK.

From published information it is possible to derive the number of graduates in employment and an employment rate for each year since 2004. This information is provided in the attached spreadsheet, named 'nomis_2020_07_09_162731.xlsx'.

While the APS does collect information on people's highest level of educational attainment, it does not hold any information on the educational establishment where those qualifications were attained.

Although we do not collect this information, the Department for Education carries out a study on longitudinal education outcomes (LEO) which it uses to produce statistics on graduate outcomes. The latest results from LEO were published by the Department for Education on 21 May

Further information regarding LEO would be available from the contacts given for that publication.

Lawrlwyth cysylltiol ar cais