1. How to take part

Start now

To begin the study, please select "Start now", then enter your personal access code.

Thank you for your support. You should aim to complete the study by the date confirmed on your invitation email.

You can complete this study on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. If you need to, you can stop and come back to the study later.

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2. About the study

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is carrying out this important study on international travel. The study will ask you about a range of topics around international travel, including destination and the reason for travel.

Some of these questions will be the same as those you previously answered as part of our Opinions and Lifestyle Survey. This is because we want to understand changes in this data over time. We would like for you to complete this survey, even if nothing has changed since the last time you completed our Opinions and Lifestyle Survey.

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3. Why you should take part

The information we collect from this study will help government departments, including the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Department for Transport, the Home Office, HM Revenue and Customs, VisitBritain and the national and regional Tourist Boards. This is your unique opportunity to tell us about your experiences. Your responses will provide information not available from any other sources.

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4. What you will be asked

The study will cover a range of topics, including:

  • international travel duration and dates

  • international travel destination and reason

  • international travel cost

There are no difficult questions, and we have made sure you do not need any specialist knowledge to take part. There are no right or wrong answers - your honest responses are vital for us to produce reliable statistics about our whole society.

We respect your right to a private life; the information you provide in this study will not be used to identify you in any way. If you are uncomfortable with any of the questions you are asked, you can always leave them out.

Do I have to answer all the questions?

Answering the questions is voluntary. If you do not want to answer some or any of the questions, you do not have to do so. Please answer as many questions as you can to ensure that your experiences and circumstances are counted.

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5. What we will do with your answers

Your personal information will remain confidential.

The details you provide will be combined with those of everyone else taking part so we can produce statistics.

We do not sell on your data and you will not receive junk mail or marketing calls as a result of taking part in one of our studies.

If you want to know more, please see our commitment to protecting your data.

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6. What will happen next

This study is available for you to complete at any time until the closing date stated in your email.

We design our studies with you in mind and keep them as short as possible. We only collect the information we need to better understand our society. Your response is really important to us.

Once you have completed the study, we will combine the answers you give us with everybody else's answers. The research findings will be used to help shape the design of an international travel survey.

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7. Who carries out the study

This study is being carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which is the country's largest producer of statistics. At the ONS, we also plan and run the census in England and Wales.

We are:

  • independent, unbiased and impartial; we are separate from other organisations and do not allow anything to influence the statistics we publish
  • the only organisation that produces official statistics as a primary role; we have no additional interest in the information we collect
  • only interested in society as a whole, and not you as an individual; statistics represent groups of people, so we remove your personal details as we are not interested in singling you out

We are not:

  • a commercial or market research organisation; we do not work for profit and will not try to sell you anything
  • associated with any political parties; we produce official statistics, no matter who the Prime Minister or political party in government is
  • going to sell on your data under any circumstances; we value your involvement in our studies and do not profit from your data, and you will not receive any "junk mail" as a result of taking part
  • monitoring you, as the data you give are only used for producing statistics; we will not use your information to contact you about other matters such as your tax, income or benefits, and we will not provide your information to anyone else for them to do so either

Read more about what we do at the ONS.

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8. Why you have been asked to take part

You have been invited to take part as you previously took part in a study run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It is not possible to ask everyone to take part in our ongoing studies; instead, we invite a sample of individuals or households, to ensure we represent everyone.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, we want to hear from you. We cannot ask anyone else to take your place.

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9. Taking part in the study

If you have received an email inviting you to take part in the study, select "Start now" at the top of this page. When asked, enter the personal access code that appears on your email.

When do I need to complete the study by?

You should aim to complete the study by the date confirmed on your invitation email.

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